Natalies Litle yorkies – Understand your little Yorkies in a better way

If you are planning to get a dog home, then first decide on what type of dog you are looking for. There are people who are uncertain about the purpose they are bringing a dog home and feels stuck with the dog after spending time with them. After sometimes, you understand that they are looking for bodyguards and not companions. As far as Yorkies are concerned, they are very friendly in nature and little bit sensitive in nature so do not break their heart by picking the wrong and leaving it alone in an isolated area. Decide and then move ahead taking up a puppy.

Natalie's Little Yorkies
Natalie’s Little Yorkies

Groom your Yorkies

Yorkies are one breed that doesn’t require your time and proper grooming. You need to understand that this breed have long-hair so every day you need to brush and comb their evenly fall out hair, or else it will become tangled and matted. If you are unable to groom him, there are many professional groomers that can even his hair shorter so that it becomes easier to handle.

Spend quality with Yorkies

This breed is more like a companion to you, so wherever you go just take your Natalie’s little Yorkies along with you. Do not make him feel like left out and spend some quality time with them so he feels comfortable with you. If possible take your Yorkies on morning and evening walk as they love long walks. Long walks are proven to be healthy for him and exercise will keep your dog’s heart strong. And last but not the least; make sure that you do not leash little Yorkies.

Understand your Yorkies in better way

Observe your Yorkies closely as they having a small breed is always a big responsibility. Since, the breed is just 6-7 inches tall, so the breed kept falling or being stepped on by anyone. This is a big issue so always keep your eyes wide open while roaming with Yorkies.

Natalie’s Yorkies love excitement and it doesn’t take much coaxing to get him interested in doing fun things. All you need to understand the breed and see yourself how well they gel up with you.  


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